Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Arnold - Sylisation Toon Shaders & Cartoon FX, Override Sets & Stand Ins's

Stylisation Toon Shaders 

I'm really glad to know that there is a way of achieving this kind of stylized effect within Arnold. Though it seems like I'd need to have a custom texture for each segment of this object in order to retain greater control over the effect. 

Below is the node graph necessary to achieve the effect above. 

Override Sets

This technique greatly reduces render time within Arnold, in essence, being a workflow optimisation, allowing you to render out smooth without having to manually set each object's subdivision. 

Stand Ins's

Again, this is another way of reducing the amount of processing power it takes within a scene, in this case, when the need arises to display multiple instances of an object. 

Importing the exported ASS file. This file is created by selecting the object, going to "Arnold/StandIn/Export" with the object selected.

The image below perhaps best displays the power of stand ins. Rendering something like this would be incredibly intensive if the object was merely duplicated. Instead, when using stand ins, it drastically reduces the render time whilst allowing a vast amount of objects to be displayed.